What downturn? House prices rise by £100 each WEEK as confidence returns to property market
19th Sep 2011
The cost of homes in Britain has soared since the start of this year by approximately £100 a week, new research has revealed.
Property experts analysed more than a million homes and found that in almost every part of the UK prices have risen by an average of 1.7 per cent or £3,667 since January.
The positive news will come as a relief to homeowners, many of whom have been left in negative equity as the value of their properties collapsed since the recession.
And for investors battling stock market turmoil it shows there is still money to be made in bricks and mortar which is still a safe haven for investing hard-earned pounds.
Experts say a shortage of homes in Britain means demand is driving up the price.
They also revealed homes are now being sold nine days faster than they were at the beginning of the year.
The average cost of homes in Greater London is now £427,889 - up £33,641 on September 2008 when Lehman Brothers collapsed triggering the end of 100 per cent mortgages and a credit freeze.
Samantha Baden, analyst at FindaProperty, which carried out the latest research, said: 'The rise in house prices shows confidence in the property market remains steady as a result of homeowners realising the old adage is true – in times of trouble invest in bricks and mortar.
'Despite economic tough times, property has proven a far more solid investment than might have been thought at the start of the year. This growth is encouraging amid a still struggling economy.'
Asking prices in Britain are on the up
West Midlands - up 2.9%
North East - up 2.6%
London - up 2.3%
South West - up 1.9%
Yorks and Humber - up 1.5%
East Midlands - up 1.4%
East - up 1.2%
South East - up 0.9%
Scotland - up 4.9%
Wales - down 0.4%
The only area of the country where house prices dipped was Wales, down 0.4 per cent since the start of the year, according to the website's latest House Price and Affordability Index.
At the other end of the scale Scotland saw the biggest rise with asking prices increasing 4.9 per cent or by £720 a month.
Big rises were also seen in the West Midlands, where prices rose by 2.9 per cent and the North East at 2.6 per cent.
In London, the prices of property rose by 2.3per cent but in the South East it climbed just 0.9 per cent.
In Yorks and Humber, East Midlands and the East of England, prices also rose but between 1.2 per cent and 1.5 per cent.
Giles Atkinson, director, Atkinson McLeod estate agents, said a number of factors support house prices, including the shortage of homes for sale.
He told the Daily Express that although demand isn't that strong, this is cancelled out by weak supply.
In addition, Mr Atkinson said interest rates have stagnated and are unlikely to rise for at least another year, and turmoil in the stock market and problems with the euro debt crisis is encouraging people to invest in property.
He said: 'We’re also seeing increased demand for property from amateur landlords, who are returning to the property market to take advantage of soaring rents. This is placing upward pressure on prices.'
Earlier this month it was revealed that the price of an average house will rise 14 per cent over the next four years, reaching the highest ever recorded in Britain.
The Centre for Economics and Business Research predicts the typical home will be worth more than £200,000 by 2015, up from its current £176,000.
Average house prices peaked at £191,200 in 1997.
Source: '
ThisIsMoney '
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