New risk for coastal landowners
17th Aug 2007
Around 66% of England’s northeast coastline has no recognized right of access…
Natural England, an amalgamation of elements of English Nature, the Countryside Agency and the Rural Development Service, has been tasked with introducing legislation to create a new right of public access to England’s coastline, with the objective of providing the public with consistent and secure access.
From this, the agency recommended that it should be granted statutory powers to align a coastal access corridor around the whole of the undeveloped English coast, to create one where one does not already exist, and improve it where necessary.
Automatic permission
This would also automatically give it permission to carry out certain works, such as installing gates and bridges. It was also proposed that in certain areas, the new access right would embrace larger areas, such as headlands, viewpoints and beaches.
In return, Natural England is proposing not to offer compensation to those landowners and managers affected. Instead, it has suggested extending the use of Grant Aid to land managers, with the aim of producing environmental improvements around the coast, for example by rolling back intensive agriculture from the cliff top.
Massive impact expected
Ali Todd, Rural Practice Surveyor at George F White’s Alnwick office, is sceptical. She says, “According to Natural England, around 66 percent of the north east coastline has no recognised access rights, so its legislation will no doubt have a massive impact on a large number of landowners and managers in the area, particularly with the recommendation that compensation should not be paid.
“We are not at all satisfied with the proposed legislation and are adamant that landowners should be fully compensated for loss of value which will, without doubt, occur. Privacy and control are becoming bigger features of property values and their loss will have a huge impact.
“We will be lobbying the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, who is consultee to this process, with our views on this matter. Landowners or land managers concerned about possible effects should contact Ali Todd at George F White on 01665 603231.
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