New regulations 'could simplify' processes for landlords
02nd Sep 2008
Landlords could benefit from the introduction of new regulations covering rental properties that draw existing rules together into a comprehensive system, it has been claimed.
According to the Association of Residential Letting Agents (Arla), such regulations - if introduced - could tie various aspects of the private rental accommodation market together without necessarily rising prices.
Malcolm Harrison, a spokesperson for the group, elaborated: "There are a lot of good regulations, but because they have come out intermittently it's possible, particularly for a private landlord rather than an agent, to forget about them.
"If everything is drawn together you have a straight forward checklist," he added.
Recently, a report from the Law Commission entitled Housing: Encouraging Responsible Letting demanded the establishment of a central regulator to oversee landlord associations and professional lettings bodies in England and Wales.
It also called for a landlord code of housing management practice and a pilot scheme for home condition certificates.
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